Paper list
Here you can find a list with the pdfs of my publications that might be difficult to access due to publisher restrictions. If you don't find a publication here, please let me know.
- 2025
- 2024
- Applying the FAIR Principles to Computational Workflows
- Farm Explorer: A Tool for Calculating Transparent Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Workflows Community Summit 2024: Future Trends and Challenges in Scientific Workflows
- LMs for Ontology Engineering: A landscape of Tasks and Benchmarking challenges
- RMLdoc: Documenting Mapping Rules for Knowledge Graph Construction
- Recording provenance of workflow runs with RO-Crate
- Ontology Engineering and the FAIR principles: A Gap Analysis
- Bidirectional Paper-Repository Tracing in Software Engineering
- Morph-KGC{star}: declarative generation of RDF-star graphs from heterogeneous data
- RepoFromPaper: An Approach to Extract Software Code Implementations from Scientific Publications
- Assessing the Overlap of Science Knowledge Graphs: A Quantitative Analysis
- Automated Extraction of Research Software Installation Instructions from README files: An Initial Analysis
- Ensure Software Quality
- 2023
- TEC: Transparent Emissions Calculation Toolkit
- SALTBot: Linking Software and Articles in Wikidata
- Recording provenance of workflow runs with RO-Crate (now accepted in PLOS ONE)
- Task Force Sub Group 3 - Review of Software Quality Attributes and Characteristics
- Towards Assessing FAIR Research Software Best Practices in an Organization Using RDF-star
- Softalias-KG: Reconciling Software Mentions in Scientific Literature
- Ya2ro: A tool for creating Research Objects from minimum metadata
- FAIR Research Object Assessment: A landscape analysis
- Declarative RDF construction from in-memory data structures with RML
- A framework for the broad dissemination of hydrological models for non-expert users
- Workflows Community Summit 2022: A Roadmap Revolution
- 2022
- EAAI-22 Blue Sky Ideas in Artificial Intelligence Education from the AAAI/ACM SIGAI New and Future AI Educator Program
- Multi-label Text Classification for Public Procurement in Spanish
- Nine best practices for research software registries and repositories
- FAIROs: Towards FAIR assessment in Research Objects
- Extending Ontology Engineering Practices to Facilitate Application Development
- Towards Capturing Scientific Reasoning to Automate Data Analysis
- FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles)
- Packaging research artefacts with RO-Crate
- A Study of the Quality of Wikidata
- DockerPedia: A Knowledge Graph of Software Images and their Metadata
- Inspect4py: A Knowledge Extraction Framework for Python Code Repositories
- 2021
- A Framework for Creating Knowledge Graphs of Scientific Software Metadata
- Creating and Querying Personalized Versions of Wikidata on a Laptop
- A Community Roadmap for Scientific Workflows Research and Development
- FOOPS!: An Ontology Pitfall Scanner for the FAIR Principles(best demo award)
- Artificial Intelligence for Modeling Complex Systems: Taming the Complexity of Expert Models to Improve Decision Making
- Crossing the chasm between ontology engineering and application development: A survey
- RO-Crate Metadata Specification 1.1
- Workflows Community Summit: Advancing the State-of-the-art of Scientific Workflows Management Systems Research and Development
- 2020
- Mapping the Web Ontology Language to the OpenAPI Specification
- Nine Best Practices for Research Software Registries and Repositories: A Concise Guide
- A Template-Based Approach for Annotating Long-Tail Datasets
- OBA: An Ontology-Based Framework for Creating REST APIs for Knowledge Graphs (spotlight paper)
- KGTK: A Toolkit for Large Knowledge Graph Manipulation and Analysis
- Coming to terms with FAIR ontologies: A position paper
- FAIR computational workflows
- The genetic architecture of the human cerebral cortex
- Best Practices for Implementing FAIR Vocabularies and Ontologies on the Web
- ENIGMA and Global Neuroscience: A Decade of Large-Scale Studies of the Brain in Health and Disease across more than 40 Countries
- 2019
- OKG-Soft: An Open Knowledge Graph with Machine Readable Scientific Software Metadata
- T2WML: Table To Wikidata Mapping Language
- Semantic Modelling of Plans and Execution Traces for Enhancing Transparency of IoT Systems
- T2WML: A Cell-Based Language to Map Tables into Wikidata Records
- Semantic Workflows and Machine Learning for the Assessment of Carbon Storage by Urban Trees
- Linking Abstract Plans of Scientific Experiments to their Corresponding Execution Traces
- WDPlus: Leveraging Wikidata to Link and Extend Tabular Data
- Towards Automated Hypothesis Testing in Neuroscience
- PaCTS 1.0: A Crowdsourced Reporting Standard for Paleoclimate Data
- Semantic Workflows for Benchmark Challenges: Enhancing Comparability, Reusability and Reproducibility
- Towards Human-Guided Machine Learning
- An intelligent interface for integrating climate, hydrology, agriculture, and socioeconomic models
- Automating Ontology Engineering Support Activities with OnToology
- 2018
- Semantic Software Metadata for Workflow Exploration and Evolution
- PSM-Flow: Probabilistic Subgraph Mining for Discovering Reusable Fragments in Workflows
- MINT: Model Integration Through Knowledge-Powered Data and Process Composition
- A Semantic Model Catalog to Support Comparison and Reuse
- P4ML: A Phased Performance-Based Pipeline Planner for Automated Machine Learning
- 2017
- The DISK Hypothesis Ontology: Capturing Hypothesis Evolution for Automated Discovery
- NiW: Converting Notebooks into Workflows to Capture Dataflow and Provenanc
- Requirements for Supporting the Iterative Exploration of Scientific Workflow Variants
- Improving Publication and Reproducibility of Computational Experiments through Workflow Abstractions
- Towards Automatic Generation of Portions of Scientific Papers for Large Multi-Institutional Collaborations Based on Semantic Metadata
- WIDOCO: A wizard for documenting Ontologies
- A Controlled Crowdsourcing Approach for Practical Ontology Extensions and Metadata Annotations
- Artificial Intelligence Buzzword Explained: Scientific workflows
- Towards Continuous Scientific Data Analysis and Hypothesis Evolution
- Towards Automating Data Narratives
- Abstract, Link, Publish, Exploit: An End to End Framework for Workflow Sharing
- 2016
- An ontology for videogame interoperability
- Lightning talk: "I solemnly pledge" A manifesto for personal responsibility in the engineering of academic software
- Automated Hypothesis Testing with Large Scientific Data Repositories
- OntoSoft: A Distributed Semantic Registry for Scientific Software
- 2015
- OntoSoft: Capturing Scientific Software Metadata
- Using a suite of ontologies for preserving workflow-centric research objects
- OnToology, a tool for collaborative development of ontologies
- Challenges for provenance analytics over geospatial data
- LDP4ROs: Managing research objects with the W3C linked data platform
- Mining Abstractions in Scientific Workflows
- 2014
- Towards Workflow Ecosystems Through Standard Representations
- FragFlow: Automated Fragment Detection in Scientific Workflows
- User requirements for Geospatial Provenance
- Workflow Reuse in Practice: A Study of Neuroimaging Pipeline Users
- The research object suite of ontologies: Sharing and exchanging research data and methods on the open web
- 2013
- Quantifying reproducibility in computational biology: the case of the tuberculosis drugome
- A workflow PROV-corpus based on Taverna and Wings
- Detecting common scientific workflow fragments using execution provenance
- On specifying and sharing scientific workflow optimization results using research objects
- Common motifs in scientific workflows: An empirical analysis (journal version)
- 2012
- Augmenting PROV with Plans in P-PLAN: Scientific Processes as Linked Data
- Common Motifs in Scientific Workflows: An Empirical Analysis
- Transforming Meteorological Data into Linked Data
- Workflow-Centric Research Objects: First Class Citizens in Scholarly Discourse
- 2011
- A New Approach for Publishing Workflows: Abstractions, Standards, and Linked Data
- A provenance aware linked data application for Trip Management and Organization
- Extending DCAM for Metadata Provenance
- A Provenance-aware Linked Data Application for Trip Management and Organization
- A Provenance-Enabled Service for News and Blog Aggregation
- 2010