During my career I have participated in the following projects:
- SOEL aims to explore the application and adaptation of (Large) Language Models in Ontology Engineering tasks to assist Knowledge Engineers when representing knowledge in a given domain. (2024 - 2027)
- CodeMetaSoft project aims to develop a comprehensive framework to streamline the management, enrichment, and propagation of RS metadata, thereby enhancing interoperability and supporting the scientific community's efforts to leverage software in research effectively. (2024 - 2026)
- EVERSE aims to create a framework for research software and code excellence, collaboratively designed and championed by the research communities, in pursuit of building a European network of Research Software Quality and setting the foundations of a future Virtual Institute for Research Software Excellence. (2024 - 2027)
- Open Science Trails (OSTrails): OSTrails aims to advance processes and instruments for Planning, Tracking, and Assessing scientific knowledge production beyond state-of-the art, working with various national and thematic contexts, improving existing infrastructure, and connecting key components. (2024 - 2027)
- SOLARCHEM 5.0: Towards Digital Transition in Solar Chemistry (SolarChem 5.0): SolarChem 5.0 aims to contribute to the industry 5.0, laying the foundation of the synergy between ecological transition and digital transformation in the framework of Solar Chemistry. (2022 - 2024)
- FAIR-IMPACT: Project designed to identify practices, policies, tools and technical specifications to guide researchers, repository managers, research performing organisations, policy makers and citizen scientists towards a FAIR data management cycle. My role will focus on the FAIR assessment of semantic artefacts, and contributing to the discussions on software metadata. (2022 - 2025)
- ReSUF: Towards a Research Software Understanding Framework for Open Science: Project designed to generating tools that capture machine-readable descriptions of research software as knowledge graphs, in order to assist researchers finding, setting up, comparing and operating research software from others. Funded by a Beatriz Galindo Award. (2021 - 2025)
- Artificial Intelligence and Community Driven Wildland Fire Innovation via a WIFIRE Commons Infrastructure for Data and Model Sharing: This project is creating a data-driven, artificial intelligence (AI) enabled and model-based scientific approach that ultimately aims to limit and even prevent the devastating effects of wildfires by using advanced technologies to support fire mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. (Sept 2020 - May 2021).

- High Resolution Mapping of the Genetic Risk for Disease in the Aging Brain: This project is developing a develop a discovery engine, powered with intelligent workflows, that will continually process neuroscience data. The engine will autonomously trigger the execution of relevant families of workflows, customize them to the data at hand, and alert users of interesting findings. (Aug 2018 - Nov 2023).
- Model Integration (MINT): The Model INTegration (MINT) project will develop a modeling environment which will significantly reduce the time needed to develop new integrated models, while ensuring their utility and accuracy. My role consists on contributing to a workflow composition component that will plan and integrate different models together (e.g., from hydrology, agronomy and geology) to analyze qualitative graphs. (Dec 2017- Nov 2021)
- EarthCube Integration: ASSET: Accelerating Scientific Workflows using EarthCube Technologies.: Project that aims to facilitate the creation of scientific workflows by allowing scientist to sketch activities and access the services offered by the EarthCube program. An interesting feature of this project is that the workflows don't have to be necessarily computational. My role in the project is contributing to the sketching prototype, facilitating an interoperable description of those services and applications developed in EarthCube. (Sept 2017 - Aug 2019)
- Data Scientist in a Box (DS-Box): Project designed to assist scientists when building machine learning solutions for heterogeneous problems. The role of our group is on building a system that, given a library of primitives, automatically proposes and evaluates machine learning pipelines that may be used to address a classification or regression problem. (Sept 2017 - 2021)
- OntoSoft: EarthCube-funded project designed to create a metadata registry for software. My role focused on designing the ontologies that would represent software metadata in a familiar way for scientists. (2016-2017)
- Linked Earth: EarthCube-funded project aiming to better organize and share Earth Science data, especially paleoclimate data. My role consists on helping domain scientists to define models for integrating their data in the paleoclimate sciences. The Linked Earth wiki is the environment for collaboratively describing their datasets and refining their models. (2016-2017)
- DISK: Automated DIscovery of Scientific Knowledge: Project that aims to automate the hypothesize-test-evaluate discovery cycle with an intelligent system that a scientist can task with lines of inquiry to test hypotheses of interest. My role in this projects consists on helping designing a model for representing hypothesis and their evolution, as well as presenting the results of the workflows to the user. (2016-2018)
- Otalex: Project aimed to convert the data from the Otalex atlas to a more structured format, publishing them according to the Linked Data principles. My role consisted in doing the modeling of the data, along with the visualization and linking to other Linked Data sources (mainly DBpedia and Geolinkeddata). (2015-2016)
Project designed to develop a software architecture for the preservation and efficient
retrieval and reuse of digital libraries of scientific workflows, addressing some of the biggest challenges standing
in data-intensive Science:
- Modeling of the executable experiments as digital objects (Research Objects)
- Management, access, reuse, sharing and evolution of these digital objects.
- Web N+1: The goal of this project was the development of applications that allow users the capability to capture, manage, search and interact with the contents produced in a travel scenario by combining tools from Semantic Web with tools from the Social Web upon the base of the new concept of Web 3.0. My role in this project was focused on modeling the provenance of the information in a news and blogs scenario in order to be able to exploit it efficiently. (October 2009- 2011).
- Keteke: Telefonica's R+D attempt to develop a competitive social network including mobile technologies. My role in the project was to develop the client application for Iphone terminals (Jan 2009, Aug 2009).